Welcome to Sports Class!

Physical Education

The goal of physical education is to improve students' physical ability, knowledge of movement and safety, as well as their ability to use these skills to participate in a variety of activities that promote an active and healthy lifestyle. It also improves students' general skills, particularly those of collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and aesthetic appreciation. These skills, in combination with the development of positive values and attitudes in PE, contribute to the development of an active and healthy lifestyle.

Motor Learning

More than merely physical activities are involved in motor learning. Even involuntary movements like reflexes, which are triggered by stimuli, are forms of motor learning.

Motor learning covers a wide range of events, from relatively low-level systems for keeping our movements calibrated to greater intellectual judgments about how to act in a real setting.


All sorts of physical activity that individuals do to keep healthy or for leisure, such as a sport, competition, or event that requires physical exertion and skill and therefore is practiced or done according to rules for fun and/or as a career.

Classification of Sports

Individual sports - Rock climbing, parkour, and dance are examples of sports that are primarily practiced and performed by one person. In sports such as athletics, snowboarding, tennis, martial arts, triathlon, skateboarding, gymnastics, figure skating, and equestrian, you can compete against other people./p>

Team sports - Individuals must work together to achieve common goals and objectives while competing against other teams. Football, netball, soccer, cricket, lacrosse, and hockey are just a few examples

Interactive Sports - Demand team members to collaborate to order to succeed. Interaction and cooperation among team members are essential for success. The interaction between teammates is direct, and the players' performance has a direct impact on their teammates. Soccer, netball, basketball, and hockey are among the examples.

Coactive Sports - Individuals must be successful in their respective fields. In terms of performance, there are little or no direct interactions between team members. For example, we perform abilities in isolation from other teammates in individual sports that can have "teams," such as golf or swimming. In several team sports, we regard skill performance to be coactive rather than interactive. In cricket or baseball, for example, a batter or bowler performs his or her particular skill with limited interaction with teammates.

Motor Learning in Sports Lecture

This lecture video will teach you a deep understanding of how motor learning exists in sport. This includes principles and theories together with sample sports skill.

Motor Learning in Sports Quiz

This video quiz will measure how well you understand the lectures above about motor learning in sport. Challenge yourself and ace the quiz!. We're rooting on you!

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Bailey, Armour, Kirk, Jess, Pickup, Sanford. (2009, February 17). The educational benefits claimed for Physical Education and school sport. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02671520701809817

Gråstén & Watt. (2017, August). A Motivational Model of Physical Education and Links to Enjoyment, Knowledge, Performance, Total Physical Activity and Body Mass Index. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5592282/?fbclid=IwAR2jTFLSmt9coVgOIRhOdHUn8tzzqy3UswrJD6YuFRGwr8SPlMxeD82a498

Krakauer J., Hadjiosif A., Xu J., Wong A., Haith A., (2019, April 9). Motor Learning. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331774116_Motor_Learning

McConkey R., Peng C., Merritt M., Shellard A. (2019, December 1). The Meaning of Social Inclusion to Players With and Without Intellectual Disability in Unified Sports Teams. https://meridian.allenpress.com/inclusion/article-abstract/7/4/234/432674/The-Meaning-of-Social-Inclusion-to-Players-With

Spittle (2021, March 3). Motor Learning and Skill Acquisition: Application for Physical Education and Sport. https://books.google.com.ph/books?hl=en&lr=&id=zhlHEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=Motor%20Learning%20in%20Physical%20Education%20&ots =jc9CxZ5RdT&sig=FhltsPUEBKRf7yLKh2oNcrpa0aE&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=true.